The Next Economic Paradigm

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The Human Infrastructure Game

In this scenario; 32 seats must be filled to support a flight plan for two round trips in an 8 person aircraft AND the 3 steps outlined for each and every flight remain relatively constant – only their order may change.

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Control The Information And Control The Game

A Value Game depends on the control of information. If someone else controls the information – they control the Value and there can be no game. Technology is deployed to the game – the game is not deployed to the technology.

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Game Over

The first law of Gaming: If you can’t win a game playing by the rules, stop playing the game, or change the rules. It would seem that Egyptians would add a corollary “Change the Rulers”.

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The “New Value” Integration Begins

The game starts and ends with money, but all the “New Value” is created inside the game and denominated in social currencies. Entrepreneurs will game the game, the planes will get bigger, the coupons will get stronger, and the social currency will out-perform the financial currency in new value creation.

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Social Value is Social Enterprise

The fastest way to unleash the extraordinary value that is contained in communities of experienced, talented, and motivated people is to provide a substrate for them to trade their knowledge assets among each other.  When people get together around a purpose, they build things that create incredible social value. The Social Value Platform provides an […]

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The Social Value Index

The future of money will likely arise from entrepreneurs influencing the social value index with thousands of new business models rather than with some new currency. The ratio between financial currency and social currency may in fact become that “new currency” standard.

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80/20 Rule: The Value of Human Interaction

Viewpoints in this riddle differ based on the perceived definition of money and value. Wall Street would say “Yes”, but Main Street would say “No”. In fact this brings into question the order of how we assign value in our world.

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Social Value Creation; A Blank Canvas

The drive to monetize Social Media is pushing applications toward containment within the financial system – the battlefield for privacy is against the direct association with credit scores, personal identifiers, the IRS, etc. To win is to lose.

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The Global Financial Crisis; The End Game

Likely the most optimistic projection of the future. This article predicts that social media will become the platform for an Innovation Economy.

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How To Change Everything Without Changing Anything

Please find the link to a pdf of the draft outline and a tentative table of contents. I expect the whole book to number less than 300 pages. I will also provide case studies of how we are deploying The Value Game in the Construction, Aviation, and Philanthropic industries. I hope that these early demonstrations will help the entrepreneurs among us realize that there is an alternate business method that is, in a significant sense, highly profitable.

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Where Competition Has Met It’s Match

In the ultimate manifestation, however, The Value Game will play automatically through multiagent algorithmic game applications where tangible and intangible assets would be accounted equally in a Value Game.

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How To Use Data Correctly

The Value Game does not need to know your name, address, phone number, or credit score to compile useful information. The Value Game does even need to know such information about your friends, family, or professional relationships. Nobody needs to know your private information – unless they intend to use your data incorrectly. After all, they need to know who to restrict your data from – you.

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Data: The Ultimate Shared Asset

You give your data away for free. Companies collect this data and they have no intention of sharing it with you. Data is a multi-billion dollar industry. Why? Aren’t most life lessons about figuring out who is NOT playing The Value Game and avoiding them?

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Tricking The Debt Monster Antibody

The Value Game is so similar to the de-Value Game that it will go unnoticed by the Debt Monster’s immune system and therefore not generate a defensive attack. Millions of dyed-in-the-wool entrepreneurs will quickly identify new ways to create profits without fully realizing that they are, in fact, dismantling the old Capitalist system piece-by-piece (and in the proper reverse order) and replacing it with a corrected version.

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Can Advertisers Curate Themselves?

The Value Game is applied to a new jet charter start-up called Social Flights and offers an opportunity for advertisers to become part of the experience of the traveller, rather than a distraction to everybody

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Intrinsic Banking

The value game increases the social value of the community enterprise by converting monetary value into social value. Only then can the Credit Score sustainably convert social value back into financial value.

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Revolutionizing Authenticity

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of various systems. The Value GameTM, powered by The Innovation Bank™, is no exception. By incorporating AI algorithms and machine learning capabilities, these groundbreaking platforms from The Ingenesist Project can further revolutionize the way we establish […]

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Behind Every Fraud Is A Mountain of Truth

“A lie can spread halfway around the world before the truth even has a chance to put its pants on,” as the saying goes. This kind of leverage is not limited to lies alone. Take, for instance, the case of the shoe bomber, whose actions led to millions of people having to remove their shoes […]

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Publications List

Juried Papers: American Society of Mechanical Engineers: The Innovation Bank: Blockchain Technology and the Decentralization of the Engineering Professions, Daniel R. Robles, PE, MBA, Bradley Layton, PhD, PE, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, [Video 10:00] November 16-19, 2020, Portland, OR, USA National Society of Professional Engineers: Blockchain Technology: Implications […]

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The Return of The Ingenesist Project

After about 4 years of not posting to this site, I have decided to return to the original ideas that resulted in so much innovation in this space. For a quick review, the term “Ingenesist” is derived from the Latin word for Engineer – A Maker of Useful Things. The TIP archives found here include […]

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Smart Contract Application For The Construction Industry

The Ingenesist Project is developing a new class of business methods called The Value Game (TVG). When combined with Curiosumé, TVG forms a set of alternate economic incentives that may reward the preservation, renewal, and acquisition of shared assets, such as infrastructure and community. BidPool is a smart contract application (for construction) that accomplishes 2 […]

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Reorganizing In The Era Of Social Capitalism

apitalism is evolving. Society needs to reorganize itself to trade “abundant intangibles instead of scarce tangibles”.  Then, all the decentralized innovations currently coming online can truly integrate.….and, everything will change. Reorganizing In The Era Of Social Capitalism: This 16 minute video describes a method for intangible assets to be made tangible in an accounting system […]

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The Everlasting Endowment of Social Capital

Big social changes are always controversial; industrial revolution, voting rights, woman’s rights, civil rights, etc – each were truly radical ideas in their time. Social scientists suggest that such changes have three oppositional features;

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What If It’s Too Late?

My greatest doubts about The Value Game stem for the evidence that our scarcity based competitive economy is so deeply rooted in our being, that we would be unable to extract ourselves from our self-inflicted wounds.  What if we have crossed some unknown threshold and it is too late to turn back, to learn, to […]

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Introducing The New Capitalism

Instead, we must now build the social network functionality around the shared asset – not the people who share the asset. This is the critical missing piece to the next level of value creation.

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